About Us
This website has been created by descendants of the original Weyerbacher immigrants who are living primarily in and about the Northampton and Bucks County areas of eastern Pennsylvania, although many of our active family members reside some distance farther.
We are interested in any suggestions you might have or anything you might wish to add to this website.
Click the Contact Us link to submit comments. Any attachments (pdf or MS Word preferred) can be sent to webmaster@weyerbacher.net. Thanks.
Future Editions of the Book
It is inevitable that in a genealogy with nearly 14,000 names, there will be errors and omissions. We expect that our book, "The Weyerbachers of Pennsylvania," will be updated at some point in the future when warranted. We encourage you to submit corrections and/or additions for inclusion in any future edition.
These can be sent directly to the author, Robin Jones, at weyerbacher@optimum.net. Alternatively, this chart can be used. You will need Adobe Reader or similar to open the chart. After opening the chart, fill it out, print it (use "landscape" for best results), and mail it to:
Robin Jones
4 Leveridge Lane
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444-1222
We hope that our book will become a living document that will be expanded as time goes on.